Core HR: The Platform for Success

As its name implies, an organization’s Core HR solution is at the very heart of its success through talent. Core HR refers to the essential processes, technology, and data that are required to make an organization function. When it comes to Core HR systems, most people think of the basics – the information needed to hire and pay individuals, like legal names, financial information, etc. But when you think of this information as part of a single platform that enables every other HR function, and sets the tone for your HR strategy, it becomes so much more. When thinking about your Core HR technology, think about how it will impact these four key areas.

Compliance and Accuracy

This is the table stakes of Core HR. Any system must capture, manage, and protect employee data in accordance with laws and regulations. Individuals need to know their information is secure. It is also important that it be easy to maintain, and options like employee self-service where employees can update their personal information help ensure ongoing accuracy. This is often where organizations stop thinking about the role of Core HR, when in reality, doing this right is just the foundation for much more.


Core HR is often the first place employees encounter your HR systems. As a new hire, they will enter your organization by sharing their personal, sensitive information, and how they feel about that transaction can shape their trust within the organization. If you still have people filling out paper forms, or have dated technology, it can be a warning sign of things to come. Particularly if this technology does not match their other experiences. If employees are told they are key to an organization’s success, but their first experience with your systems isn’t consistent with that sentiment, you have missed a key opportunity for engagement.


Employee-facing technology must be as inclusive as consumer-facing. Solutions that address issues like access for disasbled employees, include preferred names, preferred pronouns, and other simple but meaningful features will help employees feel that they are seen by their organization, and valued. What used to be work-arounds need to become the norm in today’s environment. Core HR sets this stage by gathering the basic information to make individuals feel respected and included.


As a Core HR system, your technology needs to be the “source of truth” for employee information, and employees shouldn’t have to enter information multiple times. This just increases the chance of mistakes, and is a threat to security. By investing in a true Core HR platform that is designed to integrate with other systems, like payroll, scheduling, performance management, and learning, it becomes the foundation for talent management, and becomes the engine of your talent strategy.

A true Core HR platform goes beyond the important function of compliance. In today’s world, compliance is necessary but not sufficient. Organizations need to also focus on the employee experience, and ensure that how they manage HR data sets the stage for talent success.